A decade of development, with over 2000 hours in-field testing and extensive research by the Rocks Gone team, has led to the latest version of the popular Reefinator.

The advanced award-winning Reefinator H4 is a tractor-driven hydraulic tyne, rock crushing machine designed to crush, rip, mix, and level previously unusable laterite rock soils, producing highly productive farm land.

The latest model features more aggressive penetration to “chew” through rock more efficiently, saving time and money and allowing more land to be “reefinated” per hour. The 28 tonne machine acts much like a giant cheese grater, peeling away rock one layer at a time.

The hydraulic tynes impact the surface to reduce the size and mass of the rock before the three meter wide, water-filled ribbed drum completes the pulverizing process. As few as two or three passes will result in pea gravel sized crushed rock mixed with soil to a depth of up to 600mm – an ideal basis for growing a wide variety of crops and pastures.

Designed to be as robust and simple as possible in order to minimize potential downtime and consumable costs, it can crush most rock types with little, if any, damage to wear parts due to stronger ground engaging tools. Wear parts are easily accessible and very economical to replace.

  • Maximum Working Depth


  • Working Width


  • Overall Width


  • Height


  • Overall Lenght


  • Net Weight

    Empty Drum - 22t

    Full Drum 28t

Hydraulic Tynes in action

The H4 Reefinator tynes leading edges are designed to cut down through the rock a bit like a tile or glass cutter. Then the point or boot breaks further down through the rock.

With a combined weight of up to 60 tonnes, something has to give so the tynes have a hydraulic dampening system that protects the wear parts and increases the machine's overall effectiveness.

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South Kojonup, WA

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black and white After

Mount Yule, WA

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black and white After

Nyabing, WA