The rocks are gone at Newdegate

Many Torque readers would have been attending the annual Newdegate Machinery Field Days today. Instead a few farmers gathered to check out the Rocks Gone Reefinator renovating part of the field days site. Rocks Gone managing director and inventor Tim Pannell (third from right) provided all the information on how the machine worked.

Ken Wilson, Farm Weekly, 31 Aug 2020

ONE of the main highlights of the early Newdegate Machinery Field Days was the machinery demonstrations.

And it felt nostalgic recently when the Rocks Gone Reefinator was put into action on the site in front of several interested farmers.

The reason for the event was a generous gesture by Rocks Gone to clear up some ironstone country on the north west side of the field days site.

For field days goers it was on the Farmers Centre block and near the ram shed.

According to Newdegate Machinery Field Days president Craig Newman, the Reefinator did the trick in breaking through ironstone country.

"We'll chemical fallow it now and probably plant it back to some grasses next year," Craig said.

"The Reefinator did a great job and I would have liked to have used it on all sections of the site but, of course, that would mean ripping up pipes, cables, etc."

Craig agreed with Torque that it was the first time any substantial ripping had been done to the site since the days of the Symonds blade plough demos.

"My brother Charlie bought the tractor and we had a French driver but it all worked out and I would like to thank Rocks Gone for their efforts," he said.

Incidentally, Rocks Gone managing director Tim Pannell won 'best inventor' at last year's Newdegate event for the launch of a hydraulic version of the Reefinator.

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